
Allowing 'no proof' asbestos lawsuits would hurt Texas jobs, families


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Allowing 'no proof' asbestos lawsuits would hurt Texas jobs, families

Dear Editor:

Should we allow "no proof" lawsuits in Texas? If a handful of aggressive personal injury lawyers get their way, we will have just that and employers large and small could be sued without proof that they caused an injury.

The change, which would apply to asbestos lawsuits, flies in the face of common sense and reason.

It's nothing short of a shakedown: a grab for deep-pocket defendants and an effort to force them to the settlement table. Such a change will hurt our state's reputation as a good and fair place to do business � and end up costing us jobs and hurting families.

An interim committee of the Texas House of Representatives is studying this issue right now � and a hearing is set for 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 26.

What can you do?

Please write your lawmaker today and tell them that you support a legal system based on common sense and fairness. Tell them that a strong and fair legal system is critical to keeping jobs and businesses in Texas. And tell them you oppose this change in Texas law.

Eliminating common sense standards in asbestos litigation is a bad idea that will make bad law. And it will hurt our economy and cost us jobs.

This measure is NOT about fairness. It's about greed.

Please contact your local lawmaker today and ask them to oppose this bad proposal.

Visit http://votervoice.net/groups/tala to send a message.

Stephanie Gibson
Executive Director, Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse of Central Texas
Michelle Martin
Executive Director, Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse of Houston


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