

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Man sued over dog attack insists canine not dangerous

GALVESTON - A Texas City man facing legal action after his dog allegedly attacked a young boy delivered a pro se answer, according to recent court records.

In the seven-page handwritten response filed Sept. 13, Tim Christian insists the subject event is an accident and the canine is not dangerous.

Texas City local Mandy Johnson sued Christian last month, stating the attack occurred when her son was playing with Christian's daughter in the defendant's front yard on Oct. 25, 2011.

Johnson claims the dog was let out of his owner’s residence and ran straight toward the young boy, primarily attacking his groin area.

She adds it jumped up on the child and "bit his face and mouth, ripping out teeth."

Meanwhile, Christian contends that Johnson's son teased the canine and was asked to stop as it "was scared."

According to his rebuttal, the boy "would not let us take him to the hospital" after the incident.

Christian further explains that he contacted the plaintiff and offered his assistance "with medical bills or otherwise."

Johnson was never heard from again until "we were informed by her lawyer not even a week later that we were going to be sued," the answer says.

Christian asserts the dog poses no problem to his children or even his mailman.

Cause No. 70,465


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