A man is suing an area doctor and medical practice claiming he had a bone infection that went undiagnosed and untreated.
Thomas Jackson Vanier filed a lawsuit Feb. 6 in the Galveston County Court against NASA Bone & Joint Specialists LLP and Dr. Daniel B. O'Neill, P.A., citing negligence and gross negligence.
According to the complaint, on Feb. 21, 2012, Dr. O'Neill, working for NASA Bone & Joint Specialists, performed surgery on Vanier's left knee.
Vanier claims he continued to suffer from pain and a lack of range of motion.
He alleges Dr. O'Neill's treatment failed to alleviate his pain, so Vanier saw two other doctors in November and December 2012. According to the suit, the other doctors diagnosed a bone infection.
Vanier is seeking damages withing the court's jurisdictional limits.
He is being represented in the case by attorneys Darrell A. Apffel and S. Benjamin Shabot of Bettison, Doyle, Apffel & Guarino P.C.
Galveston County Court Case No. CV-0071472
This is a report on a civil lawsuit filed in the Galveston County Court. The details in this report come from an original complaint filed by a plaintiff. Please note, a complaint represents an accusation by a private individual, not the government. It is not an indication of guilt, and it only represents one side of the story.
Doctor sued after bone infection goes undiagnosed