
Woman files asbestos exposure suit over late husband


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Woman files asbestos exposure suit over late husband

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A Beaumont woman is suing over claims her husband died of lung cancer allegedly caused by asbestos exposure.

Wilma Powell, surviving spouse of Donaldson Powell, deceased, et al, filed a lawsuit Oct. 17 in Jefferson County District Court against Atlantic Richfield Company, et al.

According to the complaint, Wilma Powell's husband, Donaldson Powell, worked for Atlantic Richfield Company, formerly known as Sinclair-Koppers, where he used and was exposed to toxic materials such as asbestos dust and fibers. The complaint states Donaldson died from an asbestos-related disease, lung cancer, on May 15, 2014, and the defendant company is accused of gross neglect for allowing their employees to work with asbestos when the dangers were known.

Wilma Powell seeks exemplary and punitive damages. She is represented by attorneys J. Keith Hyde and D'Juana Parks of Provost Umphrey Law Firm in Beaumont.

Jefferson County District Court case number: E-196279

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