

Thursday, April 25, 2024

TALA: Tort reform is working in Texas

Jahns marcus

Ten years ago, unbridled litigation against doctors and hospitals had turned entire regions of Texas into lawsuit war zones. Doctors limited the scope of their practices or shut their doors altogether — and patients were losing access to needed care. Legislative leaders and voters heard the pleas and responded with landmark legal reforms, in the form of Proposition 12.

Today, Texas is attracting a record number of new doctors, many of whom cite our legal climate as an important factor in their choice to practice here.

Areas that suffered a lack of doctors — such as emergency rooms or obstetric offices — are now attracting the physicians they need to care for local patients.

Further, hospitals have reinvested the money saved from not having to defend egregious lawsuits. They’re upgrading equipment, expanding emergency rooms and increasing charity care.

Reform works. But even as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of these reforms, we must remain steadfast against any effort to roll back reforms or create new ways to sue in Texas.

Marcus Jahns,
Texans Against Lawsuit Abuse, Austin


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