

Sunday, June 2, 2024

FasciaBlaster marketer nonsuits $5 million defamation case against Fla. woman

General court 03


HOUSTON – A lawsuit accusing a Florida woman of defaming the local company behind the FasciaBlaster on social media recently came to a close, Harris County District Court records show.

Last Sept. 20, plaintiff ADB Interests, LLC, of Houston, filed a nonsuit without prejudice into its $5 million suit against Treasure Island, Fla., resident Tilly Begemann Dorenkamp, essentially disposing the litigation two months after it began.

ADB claimed Dorencamp made negative statements about the company on Facebook after she volunteered to participate in a research study on how the FasciaBlaster affects the systems of the human body.

The FasciaBlaster, the complainant explained in its original petition, is notable among the products it sells to help in opening the fascia, the thin sheath of fibrous tissue enclosing muscles and organs.

Dorenkamp was alleged to have posted about symptoms and side effects she suffered in relation to the study, as well as remarked how the FasciaBlaster can cause bodily harm and body deterioration.

Court records indicate that the defendant did not take action in response to ADB’s allegations.

The plaintiff, which is owned by health and wellness expert Ashley Black, says in its notice it does not wish to pursue the case.

Harris County 113rd District Court Case No. 2017-48632


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