

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Glen Whitley, Tarrant County Judge News

Bearing Too Much of the Burden

By Glen Whitley, Tarrant County Judge |
We constantly hear how high property taxes are – and for good reason! Of all the taxes collected in Texas, property taxes account for over 50%. Can’t we shift some of the burden from property taxes to other taxes such as sales, bed, severance, gas or others? If so, how and more importantly who can make these changes happen?

The Sky is Not Falling

By Glen Whitley, Tarrant County Judge |
Earlier this month, I testified in Austin about our property taxes with state legislators. Let me assure you that Chicken Little is alive and well in the halls of our state capitol. They have convinced most everyone that Texas is one of the most taxed states in the country, that property taxes are skyrocketing out of control and seniors are being taxed out of their homes.