Emory University
Recent News About Emory University View More
Harriet Tabb Joins Steptoe & Johnson’s Growing Dallas Office
Harriet Tabb Joins Steptoe & Johnson’s Growing Dallas Office. -
BAKER & HOSTETLER: BakerHostetler Announces 17 New Partners.
BakerHostetler announced that 17 lawyers have been elected to the partnership. -
The dubious wisdom of ‘experts’
If you go to a good university and really apply yourself, you can get a decent education. On the other hand, you also can emerge from the groves of academe with less smarts than you started with. -
Recent patent infringement cases filed in U.S. District Courts
Marshall Division, Eastern District of Texas -
Legally Speaking: Gunning For a Change-The Court Takes Aim At The Second Amendment
They are simple words � "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" � that liberal commentators have called "maddeningly ambiguous," even while justifying constitutional rights (like privacy) that go unnamed in the Constitution. -
Legally Speaking: Not your everyday lawyers
Law school tends to attract all types of people, even if they don't always make it all the way through to graduation. -
Doc says med manufacturers using his stent technology
BCS Taxus coronary stent A surgeon considered a leader in cardiac stent technology is taking on Boston Scientific Corp. and Johnson & Johnson for infringement of his patents.