Letter to the Editor News

Letter to the Editor
Kudos to Texas Supreme Court for fixing Dallas appeals court's bad decisions
We’ll watch to see if the recent election will positively impact the Fifth Court and address the serious concerns raised in the Judicial Hellholes report.

Letter to the Editor
Letter to the editor on patent litigation
It’s good news to hear that patent cases are declining overall, but what continues to be a concern is patent troll lawsuits
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Letter to the Editor
Credit Card Competition Act bolsters security, lowers costs
The recent article titled “Stop Target From Passing Democrats’ Credit Card Competition Act” made outlandish and intentionally misleading claims about the bipartisan, bicameral bill that require a correction.
Letter to the Editor
Patent trolls pose a threat to the Texas economy. Senator Cornyn can help
The American tech sector might have gotten its start in California, but today, tech is taking off in Texas’ Silicon Hills.
Letter to the Editor
How Biden’s tobacco policy could turn into a cash cow for cartels
In a commendable move, Republican Sens. Bill Cassidy (LA), Marco Rubio (FL), Tom Cotton (AR), Rick Scott (FL), and Bill Hagerty (TN) are urging the U.S. Treasury Department to take immediate measures against Tobacco International Holdings (TIH), a Switzerland-registered business suspected of having ties to Mexico's Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG).
Letter to the Editor
Don’t let Congress jeopardize Texas’ data security
China wants to undermine our national security. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Texas.
Letter to the Editor
Time to pass SB 1002 and bring free market competition to EV charging industry
While the federal government continues to spend billions of dollars to subsidize local and state governments in their efforts to expand the electric vehicle (EV) charging network, unfair utility practices have actively discouraged the private sector from doing the same
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the editor on public nuisance legislation
Today, Texas operates under an antiquated public nuisance doctrine, tracing its roots to 12th-century England. Some personal injury lawyers have used this outdated law to increase monetary settlements and impose policy objectives through courts, not legislatures.
Letter to the Editor
Patent Trolls Find Fertile Ground in Texas
Lawsuits by Shell Companies, Bad Actors Stifle Innovation, Job Creation
Letter to the Editor
CALA: Bill by Sen. Cornyn would mean more financial transparency for federal judges
Legislation sponsored by U.S. Senator John Cornyn will bring much-needed financial transparency to the federal judiciary.
Letter to the Editor
Letter To The Editor on SB-6
Recent numbers pulled together by the Texas Civil Justice League from several sources show a new law providing COVID-19 civil liability protections for employers, health care providers, and non-profits following appropriate public health protocols is working.
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the editor: The Talk
I heard the candidates discuss “The Talk” during the Presidential debate.
Letter to the Editor
LTE Submission RE: Hail attorney indicted on charges of insurance fraud, barratry and money laundering
It’s unfortunate that some individuals are continuing to take advantage and profit off of others when they are most vulnerable— following an accident or a weather-related event. Barratry, commonly referred to as “ambulance chasing,” has been illegal for years. And even with new threats of harsher penalties, this practice still exists.
Letter to the Editor
Something is Amiss at UT Law School
I have great affection for my alma mater, the University of Texas School of Law, and am grateful for the excellent, affordable, and life-changing education I received there. I have previously reminisced about my student years (here and here), and from time to time have also offered some constructive criticism, mainly directed at the university administration as a whole, particularly regarding the leadership of UT President Greg Fenves.
Letter to the Editor
LTE Submission: Opioid lawyers pumped $110K into LaHood’s campaign after Bexar County DA hired them
Dear Editor:
The April 12th article, “Opioid lawyers pumped $110K into LaHood’s campaign after Bexar County DA hired them” makes clear that the opioid crisis is reaching communities all across Texas, including Bexar County.
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the editor on 'Waging a war on women with no ammunition'
On November 30 2017 an "editorial" was published titled "Waging War on Women With No Ammunition" That editorial per The Record though it does not reference the original article was commentary on an article titled Appeals court affirms Houston attorney’s summary judgment win in malpractice suit.
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the editor: Chip Ferguson responds to recent Record editorial written about him
This is a letter to the editor sent by Paul "Chip" Ferguson, founder of the Ferguson Law Firm in Beaumont, in response to an Aug. 8 Our View editorial entitled "Chip Ferguson at it again."
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the editor: The hypocrisy of Paxton and the TCEQ
Paxton and the TCEQ have this great concern for “air quality standards for sulfur dioxide” here in Texas andI agree it should be reviewed.
However, here is where the rubber is NOT meeting the road with these two: The land application of municipal industrial, hospital, storm, and household so call processed sewage sludge (Class A, B, and AB). This would be the concentrated contaminated residuals from cleaning sewage.
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the editor: Xarelto and Lawyers
I have an elderly friend who I help, in addition to her CNA's. Today she told me that she had been throwing away her Xarelto because of the television ads as we were leaving the cardiologist's appointment! She was scared something would happen to her if she continued to take the prescribed medication.
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the editor
This is a letter to the editor submitted in response to a column authored by Mark Pulliam, entitled: "The Beguiling Myth of 'Mass Incarceration'"