

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Chris Rizo News

Survey: Corporate litigation to increase

By Chris Rizo |
Dillard NEW YORK (Legal Newsline)-Corporate litigation is widely expected to continue to increase over the next year, a poll of corporate counsel indicates.

Medical malpractice litigation blamed for rising health care costs

By Chris Rizo |
Copland NEW YORK (Legal Newsline)-Medical malpractice litigation has driven up U.S. health care costs dramatically, translating into higher costs for consumers, a study said Tuesday.

Public Citizen sues to force Texas to regulate greenhouse gases

By Chris Rizo |
DALLAS (Legal Newsline) - Environmentalists in Texas this week sued in an effort to force the state to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions.

Trial lawyers group in debt

By Chris Rizo |
WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)-The nation's trial lawyers group appears to be struggling amid mounting debt and a decline in membership dues.

Baucus health care plan relies on tax hikes, new fees

By Chris Rizo |
Baucus (D) WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)-- U.S. Sen. Max Baucus on Wednesday unveiled his $856 billion much-anticipated plan to overhaul the nation's health care system.

Trial lawyers oppose special med-mal courts

By Chris Rizo |
WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)- A U.S. Senate panel is considering proposals aimed at decreasing the number of medical malpractice lawsuits filed in already bogged down courts.

Trial lawyers spend big money taking to the airwaves

By Chris Rizo |
Rickard WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)--Advertisements seeking potential plaintiffs for medical malpractice lawsuits are flooding the nation's airwaves, a legal watchdog group said Tuesday.

Justices hear arguments in Texas A&M bonfire case

By Chris Rizo |
AUSTIN(Legal Newsline) - A construction company is seeking a rehearing of a lawsuit involving the 1999 Texas A&M University bonfire collapse.

Texas Supreme Court cites limits to med-mal law

By Chris Rizo |
Medina AUSTIN (Legal Newsline)-The Medical malpractice law in Texas does not extend to claims unrelated to treatment, the state Supreme Court ruled last week.

Famed Texas trial lawyer turns sights to Facebook

By Chris Rizo |
SANTA ANA, Calif. (Legal Newsline)--The famed trial lawyer W. Mark Lanier of Houston has filed a lawsuit in California on behalf of five Facebook users who allege that the social networking site misappropriated their personal information.

Texas Supreme Court resignations mark 'sad departures,' observers say

By Chris Rizo |
Sylvester AUSTIN (Legal Newsline) - Texas Supreme Court Justice Scott Brister's planned retirement from the state's high court will mark a "sad departure" for the Lone Star State's judiciary, a court observer said.

Justice Brister announces return to private practice

By Chris Rizo |
Brister AUSTIN (Legal Newsline) - Texas Supreme Court Justice Scott Brister said Monday he is resigning from the high court to return to private law practice.

AGs look to outside counsel amid states' budget woes

By Chris Rizo |
Doug Gansler (D-Md.) (Legal Newsline)-State legal officials, struggling against budget cutbacks, may be forced to increasingly look to outside lawyers to litigate cases on behalf of the public, said Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler.

Senate confirms Sotomayor to U.S. Supreme Court

By Chris Rizo |
Sotomayor WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)-The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the nation's first Hispanic justice.

Lobbyist: AAJ looking to quietly pass plaintiff lawyer tax break

By Chris Rizo |
SAN FRANCISCO (Legal Newsline)- Federal legislation that would afford trial lawyers a special tax break faces an uncertain future, says one of the chief lobbyists for the nation's trial lawyers.

Trial lawyers face tort reform 'danger zone' in health care overhaul, says lobbyist

By Chris Rizo |
SAN FRANCISCO (Legal Newsline)- President Barack Obama's push for an overhaul of the nation's health care system could be stymied by Senate lawmakers, particularly moderate Democrats, the lobbyist for trial lawyers said.

Nation's trial lawyers converge on San Francisco

By Chris Rizo |
SAN FRANCISCO (Legal Newsline)- Trial attorneys from around the country have converged on San Francisco for the next several days.

Sotomayor hearings to begin Monday

By Chris Rizo |
Sotomayor WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)- Judge Sonia Sotomayor's U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings begin Monday, with legal grillings from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Texas Republican AG candidates rake in campaign cash

By Chris Rizo |
Ted Cruz (R) AUSTIN (Legal Newsline)-The two possible Republican candidates for Texas attorney general say they are poised to report that they are raking in big money ahead of the 2010 race.

Abbott, other AGs hail GM bankruptcy agreement

By Chris Rizo |
Greg Abbott (R-Texas) NEW YORK (Legal Newsline)-A bankruptcy court's decision in the General Motors Corp. case this week that disputes between the automaker and its dealers will be up to state authorities to settle has drawn praise from state attorneys general.