

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Suit alleges Uber withheld driver identity in hit and run


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HOUSTON — A lawsuit has been filed against Uber alleging an Uber driver ran over Joaquin Iraheta on July 22, 2022.

The lawsuit is being handled by Houston-based law firm Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner partner Mo Aziz and attorney Alicia Patterson

According to a press release, the incident took place around 2 a.m. outside of Shot Bar, a popular midtown Houston bar. Joaquin and his brother had been patrons at Shot Bar that evening and called an Uber to provide them with a safe ride home after the bar closed. The Uber driver that showed up hit Joaquin with his vehicle and then fled the scene.

As a result of the incident, Joaquin suffered a traumatic brain injury. Prior to the accident, Joaquin was a successful electrical engineer and project manager in Houston. He will likely never be able to work again.

Despite multiple attempts to contact Uber, Uber has failed to respond to the family or provide additional information relating to the identity of the driver, the press release states.

Joaquin’s mother, Ana Iraheta, commented that “Uber’s behavior throughout this ordeal has been reprehensible. We as a family have been dealing with so much as our son goes through a very lengthy recovery process. Uber should do the right thing and help us bring to justice the person responsible for this instead of obstructing and obfuscating as they have been up until this point.”

Commenting on the lawsuit, attorney Mo Aziz said, “One would think that a company like Uber would want their driver to face the consequences of their actions, instead Uber has failed to provide any information regarding the identity of the driver.” 


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