
Study finds Texans support fair sales policy for ready-to-drink spirits


Monday, March 3, 2025

Study finds Texans support fair sales policy for ready-to-drink spirits


AUSTIN - A statewide study finds that voters in Texas overwhelmingly support more equitable rules about where adults can purchase ready-to-drink spirit coolers.

According to the results from the survey conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, 75 pecent of Texans support a proposal to change the law to let licensed retailers sell ready-to-drink spirit coolers at the same places as beer, wine and hard seltzers, with 70 percent feeling strongly enough about the issue to be willing to participate at the ballot box to ensure it happens.

The study found Texans value choice and convenience and say laws need to keep up with new product development. Further, the vast majority of Texans surveyed said they favor less government regulation of businesses, which includes allowing individual licensed retailers to make their own decisions about products to stock to best serve their customers.

A press release states that the next steps at hand include the Texas legislature passing House Bill 2200 sponsored by Representative Holland and Senate Bill 1288 sponsored by Senator Hancock reflecting constituent interests in sensible, convenient consumer policies toward sale of ready-to-drink spirit coolers, as well as a ballot measure put directly in front of voters within a specific city or county to decide where ready-to-drink spirit coolers can be sold. Two-thirds of adults surveyed said they would sign a petition to create the ballot measure.

"In today's polarized politics, it is rare to find issues that have support across partisanship," Micah Roberts, partner at Public Opinion Strategies said. "In Texas, there is consistent robust support for sensible sales policies with more than 70 percent of Republicans, Democrats and Independents supporting the policy. Additionally, 71 percent of Christian Texans support this policy, including 64 percent of self-identified Evangelical Christians."

Ultimately, a combination of individual preference, convenience, and a willingness to let individual local business owners serve their customers how they know best drove the overwhelming support for sensible change to current policies that don't make sense to consumers and voters.

"The overwhelming support for allowing the sale of ready-to-drink spirit coolers in the same retail locations as beer and wine is reflected in this survey," Paul Hardin from the Texas Food and Fuel Association said. "Texans value convenience and choice, and they want their voices to be heard on this issue. We urge the Texas Legislature to take note of the poll results and work towards passing legislation that reflects the will of Texas voters and promotes a fair sales policy for ready-to-drink spirit coolers."


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