
Stories by Lene Caracas-Apuntar on Southeast Texas Record


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Lene Caracas-Apuntar News

Managing Risks in M&A Transactions on December 6, 2023

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Corporate Services attorneys Chauncey Lane and Cooper Overcash will be featured speakers during a luncheon hosted by the Dallas - Fort Worth Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel.

Foley & Lardner LLP announces Retired Partner David Segrest Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award by Texas Bar Foundation

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Foley & Lardner LLP retired Partner David Segrest is recognized by the Texas Bar Foundation with the Outstanding 50 Year Lawyer Award.

Reed Smith announces Thompson Schick receives Rising Star award from FDLI

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Sarah Thompson Schick is among just three lawyers nationwide to receive a Rising Star Award from the Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI).

Reed Smith LLP hosts 2nd Conference on Renewable Project Development on April 26 - 27, 2023

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
This conference will explore the legal and business trends and issues facing the growing renewables sector of the energy industry.

Thompson Coburn LLP announces Jennifer Ecklund receives Profiles in Leadership Award at Southern Methodist University's Women's Symposium

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Thompson Coburn partner Jennifer Ecklund was recently honored with a Profiles in Leadership Award during the 58th Annual Women's Symposium held on March 1, 2023, at Southern Methodist University (SMU). T

AG Pax­ton Sends Let­ter to the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion on Baby For­mu­la Shortage

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
AG Pax­ton Sends Let­ter to the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion on Baby For­mu­la Shortage.

TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL: AG Pax­ton Defends the Depart­ment of Education’s Final Rule, Uphold­ing Pro­tec­tion for Stu­dents’ Rights

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit defending the Department of Education’s “Final Rule,” a reaffirmation of Title IX’s commitment to protecting students, which bolsters the anti-discrimination purpose of Title IX without infringing on the constitutional rights afforded to all Americans.

The Future of Personal Injury Lawsuits in 2021

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
The pandemic has taught us that some things are beyond our control while others we have a greater chance to control. The past ten months have also given us a very interesting glimpse into the new year and what could be the most important trends in the personal injury industry.

Toups and Coffman, the Urkel twins

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
“Did I do that?” That was the catchphrase of Steve Urkel, the Family Matters character who stole the show with his ridiculously over-the-top portrayal of an accident-prone nerd.

Bad lessons from Texas school districts

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Two Texas school districts have joined the opioid gold rush. Hey, why not get in on the action? Everyone else is doing it – including multiple municipalities, and the state, too.

The Freedom to Govern Ourselves: Secure and Free elections should be every American’s goal

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Recent events suggest that the pursuit of power may be as corrupting as holding power itself. It certainly makes hypocrites of most. Consider the Democrats today who have been saying that Trump must concede the election for the good of the country.

As Exxon fights for justice, others join the fight

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
What can one person do? If you don’t know already, you’d be surprised.

Unruly employee sues employer for results of his unruliness

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Nobody likes being criticized or talked down to, but you kind of have to get used to it if you want to get along in life, because it’s bound to happen once in a while. Sometimes you might deserve it and sometimes you might not. Even if you don’t deserve it, however, you may have to put up with it, depending on the circumstances.

State Judges Should Be Selected in partisan elections

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Texans have held a right to elect their judiciary for 150 years. Every few years, the legal elites and media start testing if now is the time they can take away this right. Now is another of those times. A group of politicians, the Texas Commission on Judicial Selection is meeting and again considering this issue and will again recommend that the right to elect partisan judges is too much freedom to grant non law licensed folks.

Don’t mess with Texas, Texas tea, or Exxon!

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Exxon taking climate change fight to Texas Supreme Court

U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez should be held to the same standards as the rest of us

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Did U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez of Texas’ 15th Congressional District violate ethics rules that prohibit House members from “engaging in professions that provide services involving a fiduciary relationship, including the practice of law”?

Every fraudulent vote is an attack on our rights and freedoms

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
“The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything.”

Who pays someone $950 an hour to read?

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Attorney Mikal Watts charges $950 an hour for his time. Cha-ching! Cha-ching! Cha-ching! If you’re a client of his, you want to cut to the chase, and fast.

Why give big bucks to judges running for reelection unopposed?

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
We had reservations four years ago when Baylor Wortham and Justin Sanderson announced their intentions to try to succeed their fathers, 58th District Court Judge Bob Wortham and 60th District Court Judge Gary Sanderson, as district judges. Alas, our reservations fell on deaf ears and both were elected.

‘Incredibly qualified’ Harris County Clerk sued for barratry

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Who appointed this guy? You’d think that local government officials responsible for appointing county clerks would consider candidates with appropriate experience and reputations for integrity, not some ambulance chaser notorious for playing fast and loose with the law who’s currently being sued by a former client and accused of engaging in barratry.