
Stories by The Pop Tort on Southeast Texas Record


Friday, March 28, 2025

The Pop Tort News

E-Scooters, Steering Right Past Your Legal Rights

By The Pop Tort |
Hey, have you heard the one about the injured Georgia man who rented a malfunctioning Bird e-scooter that flung him into an Atlanta street, but whose case was tossed out of court because of the fine print in his rental contract? Yep, that just happened.

Transportation’s 2020 Vision Loss

By The Pop Tort |
We’re commuting longer hours. Boeing plane crashes are in virtually every news cycle now. Amtrak is being sued for forcing its passengers to waive their right to go to court. Pennsylvania Turnpike motorists just experienced a horrible crash involving buses, trucks and cars, killing 5 and injuring dozens. As we start off this year, we are wondering just bad it is for commuters and business travelers these days?