

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Record News

A fight! A fight! Two law firms are fighting!

By The Record |
The Germans have a gift for neology. They coin some of the most esoteric- and funny-sounding words – like weltschmerz, fahrvergnügen, and schadenfreude. When you find out what they mean, you recognize the concepts immediately and wonder why there aren’t words for them in English, which would facilitate talking about such things.

Pass this bill and send a copy to Harris County

By The Record |
Back in the 1990s, our state legislature revised the rules regarding government agencies hiring outside lawyers. That was after the conviction of former Texas Attorney General Dan Morales for illegally attempting to divert $500 million in tobacco-litigation contingency fees to a friend.

We may be ‘just us,’ but we deserve affordable justice, too

By The Record |
If justice delayed is justice denied, why would anyone seek to delay the administration of justice or oppose efforts to speed up the process and make it quicker?

It’s time to run the trolls out of East Texas

By The Record |
In 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered a unanimous decision in favor of TC Heartland, an Indiana-based company challenging the venue Kraft Foods had chosen for filing a patent infringement lawsuit against it. The ruling limited patent infringement lawsuits to districts where the defendant is incorporated or has an established place of business.

Hey, Gonzalez, how about forgoing the fee?

By The Record |
Remember those true-or-false tests in grade school and high school? Instead of spelling out the words “True” or “False,” you could just put a “T” or an “F” on the answer line. That gave conniving kids with modest calligraphic skills an opportunity for fudging.

You have to pay your dues!

By The Record |
That expression is figuratively true when applied to life in general, insofar as we all have to make an effort, accept sacrifices, face setbacks, and overcome obstacles to get ahead in this world.

Mostyn Law doesn’t like being cheated

By The Record |
It’s fun when bullies stop picking on everyone else and turn on each other. We’re seeing this more often with advocates of political correctness running afoul of their own ever-growing list of strictures and being savaged by their even more intolerant fellows.

Paul ‘Chip’ Ferguson tries again for pizza dough

By The Record |
Some people are monomaniacal about food. With Paul Ferguson, it’s pizza – or pizza restaurant chains.

Sanchez's suit won’t hold water

By The Record |
Orlando Sanchez thinks the Houston Independent School District (HISD) should be taken over and run by our state government. The former Harris County treasurer said so late last year during a press conference at Northwest Mall across from HISD HQ.

‘Meritless’ whistleblower suits are under attack

By The Record |
Football fans will tell you that not every whistle blown or flag thrown by a referee represents a genuine infraction of the rules. Some calls are reviewed and overturned. Fans will also tell you that obvious violations are sometimes not seen by the officials, or even ignored. (Just ask a New Orleans Saints fan.)

Texas should be a model for California, not a target

By The Record |
“No state comes close to Texas when it comes to the fossil fuel industry,” said Exxon attorney Ralph Duggins, arguing that climate change lawsuits filed by California municipalities “affect Texas’ biggest commercial market – that’s oil.”

If you can’t stand standing, stop standing

By The Record |
If you had a job that required you to be on your feet all day and you concluded that all that standing was making your feet hurt, what would you do?

Bertini busted for barratry

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Mr. and Mrs. Bertini must not have warned their son, Christopher, about the dangers of hanging out with the wrong crowd. Either that or he forgot the lesson.

Blowing the whistle on bogus whistleblowers

By The Record |
In 2009, millionaire Texas attorney Mark Lanier filed suit against Facebook, alleging that the social networking site had violated the privacy of users who voluntarily signed up to share personal information about themselves.

The Dorrell and Klein clown show continues

By The Record |
The Hatfields and the McCoys had nothing on Philip Klein and Jeffrey Dorrell. The two adversaries are feuding again, using lawsuits as weapons.

File a phony suit and get what’s coming to you

By The Record |
If you’re a scrupulous plaintiffs attorney and a prospective client asks you to represent him in a suit against his former employer for an on-the-job injury, you want to verify at least two things before initiating litigation over the claim: that the prospective client was in fact injured, and that the injury actually occurred on the job.

Todd Hunter has the wind at his back

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You know the type: opportunists. They lick their fingers and stick them in the air to see which way the wind is blowing. If it’s blowing east, they go east. If west, they go west.

Mom tries to cash in on daughter’s misbehavior

By The Record |
The joke – attributed to Winston Churchill, George Bernard Shaw, and others – goes like this: A man asks a woman if she would go to bed with him for a million dollars. When she replies in the affirmative, he asks if she would do it for one dollar. Outraged, she responds, “What kind of woman do you think I am?”

Hail firm Mostyn Law is being besieged

By The Record |
Three years ago, State Farm defeated an attempt by the Mostyn Law Firm to inflate the claim of Hidalgo County homeowners already compensated for 2012 hail damage.

Judge Floyd’s ‘legacy’ will not be perpetuated

By The Record |
“I think I did pretty well for a guy who didn’t get any support from the big firms,” said Mitch Templeton, winner of last week’s election to choose a replacement for retiring 172nd District Court Judge Donald Floyd. “I’m not reliant on donations from any specific individuals or groups, so I will be able to make correct rulings without fear.”