
Southeast Texas News


Saturday, February 1, 2025


Recent News About Tiaa

  • A fight! A fight! Two law firms are fighting!

    By The Record |
    The Germans have a gift for neology. They coin some of the most esoteric- and funny-sounding words – like weltschmerz, fahrvergnügen, and schadenfreude. When you find out what they mean, you recognize the concepts immediately and wonder why there aren’t words for them in English, which would facilitate talking about such things.

  • Mostyn Law doesn’t like being cheated

    By The Record |
    It’s fun when bullies stop picking on everyone else and turn on each other. We’re seeing this more often with advocates of political correctness running afoul of their own ever-growing list of strictures and being savaged by their even more intolerant fellows.

  • Mostyn Law sues bank for its cut from Sandy claim

    By David Yates |
    HOUSTON – A law firm that has handled “tens of thousands” of lawsuits against insurance companies is suing a bank for its expenses and fees owed from a Superstorm Sandy claim.