A Galveston County couple sued their landlord for funds allegedly withheld from their security deposit.
Carl Michael Nordstrand and Monica Nordstrand of League City filed a lawsuit Jan. 6 in Galveston County District Court against Laura Nix Stahlhut of Houston, citing breach of contract.
According to the complaint, the couple signed a one-year lease for property at 202 Forest Creek Drive in League City, effective June 21, 2012, to June 20, 2013. The parties entered into a pet agreement as an addendum, the suit states, and, subsequently, agreed to four consecutive extensions of the lease on a monthly basis, ending July 2014.
The suit says the defendant was paid a $2,600 security deposit plus an additional $500 for a pet deposit but when the Nordstrands notified Stahlhut they would vacate the premises by July 31, 2014, they requested the deposit be refunded. The defendant said the property incurred damage and issued a check Aug. 15, 2014, for the partial difference, the suit says, and Stalhlhut has withheld the remainder of their deposit for more than 30 days.
The Nordstrands seek compensation in an amount less than $100,000, damages, attorney fees, expenses and costs. They are represented by attorney Andres A. Arguello of Arguello, Hope & Associates in Houston.
Galveston County District Court case number: 15-CV-0007.
Tenants sue landlord for security deposit