
This Just In: Recent civil filings in Jefferson County district courts


Friday, March 28, 2025

This Just In: Recent civil filings in Jefferson County district courts

Jan. 23

  • Max Cormier vs. J & J Manufacturing Co.

    PA � Gerald Eddins, J � Milton Shuffield

    While on the job, Max Cormier injured his back while lifting a piece of metal. After he made a workers' compensation claim, Cormier claims his employer, J & J Manufacturing Co., fired him. Seeking compensation for his lost wages, Cormier filed suit against J & J Manufacturing.

    The suit asserts that as a result of J & J Manufacturing's "unlawful conduct," Cormier has "suffered and will continue to suffer damage in the form of lost back wages, lost future wages, compensatory damages for past and future pecuniary losses, emotional pain, suffering, inconvenience, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and other non-pecuniary losses."

    Case No. D181-099

    Jan. 24

  • Jude Iwuchukwu vs. Texas Youth Commission

    PA - Thomas Peterson, J - Milton Shuffield

    The Texas Youth Commission (TYC) made national headlines last year after reports of abuse were leaked to the media. Now, a former Al Price State Juvenile Correctional Facility caseworker is claiming he was fired on trumped up sexual harassment charges after he reported the alleged abuse of minor inmates. Jude Iwuchukwu filed suit against TYC, claiming he was wrongfully terminated.

    Iwuchukwu is suing for past and future lost earnings, medical care, emotional pain, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, economic value of loss of benefits and slander and disparagement of his personal and professional reputation.

    He is also suing for a temporary injunction to prohibit TYC from abusing minor inmates and for reinstatement to his former position, plus all court costs.

    Case No. D181-109

  • Adrain Harper et al vs. the Texas Department of Transportation et al

    PA - Rodney Barnwell, J - Donald Floyd

    A wrongful death suit has been filed against the Texas Department of Transportation, claiming the governmental entity was responsible for the death of James Harper by causing a fatal collision on Interstate 10. Adrian Harper, James' wife, filed the suit against TxDOT and Highway Technologies Inc. Rocco Russo is also a plaintiff in the suit and is suing for the loss of his vehicle.

    Case No. E181-113

    Jan. 25

    Jean Shivers vs. Parkdale Mall

    PA � Clint Brasher, J � Milton Shuffield

    Claiming that a West End plaza negligently camouflaged its concrete barriers to match the color of the parking lot, Jean Shivers has filed suit against Parkdale Mall. Shivers tripped over a "wheel stop" while walking around to the front of her vehicle.

    She is suing for past and future mental anguish, medical expenses and impairment.

    Case No. D181-117

  • Cynthia Isaac vs. Hospital Housekeeping Systems LTD et al

    PA - Ian Scharfman, J - Milton Shuffield

    Sexually harassed by a Christus security guard, Cynthia Isaac immediately reported the incident to her employer, Hospital Housekeeping Systems LTD. The next day she was fired for returning late on her lunch break. Isaac claims she was wrongly terminated for reporting the sexual harassment incident and has filed suit against HHS and Christus St. Elizabeth Hospital.

    Isaac, who has already filed a complaint with the Texas Workforce Commission Civil Rights Division, has been given permission by the TWCCRD to pursue civil action. Isaac is suing for punitive, actual and compensatory damages, plus all court costs.

    Case No. D181-120

    Jan. 28

  • Lurlene Glidewell vs. Chili's Grill and Bar

    PA - Trent Devenzio, J - Bob Wortham

    It's a tradition in the restaurant industry to clap when a server drops a tub of dishes. However, Lurlene Glidewell is holding her applauses and filing suit instead. While dining at the Port Arthur Chili's, Glidewell claims a waiter dropped a load of dishes on her. Glidewell is suing for past and future mental anguish, medical expenses and impairment.

    Case No. A181-127

  • R&R Marine Offshore et al vs. BP Consulting Inc. et al

    PA - James Tompkins, J - Gary Sanderson

    A repair job gone wrong has led two offshore companies and an insurance provider to file suit against BP Consulting Inc. and Sabine Offshore Services. R&R Marine Offshore Inc., Ensco Offshore Co. and St. Paul Travelers claim BPC and Sabine negligently caused a crane boom to collapse during the repair session of an offshore drilling rig. Travelers covered the damages and now is suing to recover the money spent paying its policy.

    Case No. B181-130

  • Rhonda Scott et al vs. Regency Nursing and Rehabilitation Centers Inc.

    PA - Steve Parkhurst, J - Milton Shuffield

    Taking blood thinners, Rhonda Scott fell in the shower and gashed her face while she was a patient at the Senior Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Center. Claiming the nursing home allowed her to fall, Scott and her husband James Dorman have filed a medical malpractice suit.

    Dorman is suing for loss of consortium. Scott is suing for past and future mental anguish, medical expenses, impairment and loss of mental function. Together the couple is suing for exemplary damages.

    Case No. D181-131

  • Direct Advertising Inc. vs. Renaissance Hospital

    PA � Carl Parker, J � Bob Wortham

    Seeking $24,800 for a past due account, Direct Advertising Inc. has filed suit against Renaissance Hospital. Direct Advertising leased a billboard for one year to Renaissance back in 2006. After, three months, Renaissance stopped making payments.

    Case No. A181-134

    Jan. 29

  • Herman Anderson Jr. vs. city of Port Arthur

    PA - Herman Anderson Jr., J - Bob Wortham
    Representing himself, Port Arthur resident Herman Anderson Jr. has filed a lawsuit against the city, claiming city officials demolished his home without giving notice. Anderson is seeking $25,000 in damages.

    Case No. A181-136

    Jan. 30

  • Barbara Vice-Staples vs. Vishal K. Enterprise, L.P

    PA - Dan Street, J - Gary Sanderson

    Failing to pay attention to her surroundings, Barbara Vice-Staples tripped over a wooden rack at a service station, which she claims was "projecting out into her path." Vice-Staples has filed suit against Vishal K. Enterprise, L.P., alleging that the store "negligently allowed a wooden rack to be placed in the path of customers."

    Case No. B181-140

  • Darren Long vs. Billie Sue Johnson

    PA - Anthony Malley III, J - Donald Floyd

    Helping a friend who had locked herself out of her home, Darren Long attempted to force his way through a sealed window and ended up ramming his hand through the glass. Long injured himself during the consensual break in and has filed suit against the home's owner, Billie Sue Johnson, claiming she knowingly had a dangerous condition on her premise and failed to warn him about the "foreseeable and imminent danger" associated with forcing one's self through a sealed window.

    Long is suing past and future mental anguish, pain, loss of earning capacity, medical expenses, impairment and disfigurement.

    Case No. E181-145

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