
College employee claims supervisor retaliating after complaints of discrimination


Thursday, March 6, 2025

College employee claims supervisor retaliating after complaints of discrimination

SHERMAN-An employee of the University of North Texas claims her supervisors are retaliating against her after she filed a rebuttal against her performance review.

Allison Timmons Vrana filed suit against the university on June 18 in the Sherman Division of the Eastern District of Texas.

Vrana states that she received a performance review from her supervisors that was unfair and discriminatory. She filed a rebuttal to the review for placement in her human resources file.

Shortly thereafter, Vrana alleges her supervisor "embarked on a pattern of harassment against Plaintiff, including treating her differently from other employees with respect to attendance and job performance, removing duties from Plaintiff, and verbally chastising her for minor or imagined issues."

Vrana complained of the supervisor's behavior but was later told to stop making complaints. In Aug. 2009, Vrana applied for a new position but was not interviewed or considered for the job. She states another employee received the position after accommodations were made to qualify that employee.

"Defendant retaliated against Plaintiff for such protective activity, by subjecting her to terms and conditions of employment that were different and less favorable than the working conditions of other employees, by threatening her for having made such complaints, and by denying her application to move to another position," the lawsuit states.

Vrana is seeking damages for back pay, front pay, lost benefits, compensatory damages, including recovery for mental and mental distress, punitive damages, costs of court and attorney's fees.

Arlington attorney R.S. Ghio is representing the plaintiff. Jury trial requested.

U.S. District Judge Richard A. Schell is assigned to the case.

Case No. 4:10cv00306

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