David Landry III has filed a petition to perpetuate the testimony of David Landry Jr., who was diagnosed with multiple myeloma.
The petition was filed Sept. 24 in Jefferson County District Court.
The parties expected to be named in the anticipated lawsuit include American Cyanamid, Arco Oil & Gas, Atlantic Richfield, BP Amoco, BP, Chevron USA, Cytec Industries, Shell Oil, Texaco, Huntsman Petrochemical and TRMI Holdings.
The petition alleges Landry Jr. was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and his disease is expected to progress and prove fatal.
The substance of testimony sough involves his employment and chemical exposure history, the petition states.
The petition states that a wrongful death suit will be initiated against the companies, alleging Landry Jr.’s disease was a result of chemical exposure during his employment.
Provost Umphrey attorney Darren Brown of Beaumont represents the petitioner.
Judge Donald Floyd, 172nd District Court, is assigned to the case.
Case No. E193-207
Petition seeks man’s chemical exposure history