GALVESTON - League City residents Deborah and Bradley Boone claim Brothers Construction Supply Inc. performed improper repairs at their residence, recent court documents say.
A lawsuit filed Nov. 21 in Galveston County Court at Law No. 1 shows the defendant's work in question ruined the house's air conditioning system.
The Boones hired the defendant May 21 when both parties entered a written agreement which called for certain home repairs, including, but not limited to, sheetrocking, texturing and painting.
According to the suit, the plaintiffs paid $12,665.25 "for such repairs to be performed in a good and workmanlike manner."
"During the course of such work being performed, the defendant ran the central air conditioning system in the home allowing sheetrock dust to contaminate the A/C system as well as the duct work in the home," the original petition states.
"The defendant engaged in an unconscionable action or course of action by taking advantage of the lack of knowledge, ability, experience or capacity to a grossly unfair degree."
The Boones claim the defendant "wrongfully" assessed taxes on the Boones in the amount of $965.25 for services rendered for their residential repairs.
Consequently, the plaintiffs seek $30,000 in damages and a jury trial.
Attorney Jack D. Ewing with The Ewing Law Firm in League City is representing the complainants, and Galveston County Court at Law No. 1 Judge John Grady is presiding over the case.
Cause No. 68,779
League City couple claims home repairs contaminated A/C system