The family of the late Carlos Aguilar was recently awarded a $281 million verdict, as a South Texas jury found that Heckmann Water Resources negligently failed to maintain the truck that caused Aguilar’s death.
The San Antonio Express-News reported that the verdict was delivered Dec. 7.
According to the article, the lawsuit was filed in Dimmit County.
Aguilar, an Army veteran in his mid 30s, was struck by a drive shaft from a tractor-trailer truck belonging to Heckmann Water Resources, an oil patch supplier in Pleasanton, doing work for the Eagle Ford Shale oilfield.
The article says Aguilar was in a pickup hit by the flying piece, which went through the windshield and killed him.
The lawsuit alleges Heckmann didn’t properly maintain the truck.
One-hundred million in punitive damages alone were awarded, the article states.
The article included a quote from plaintiff’s attorney Ronald Rodriguez of Laredo.
“I'm proud to have obtained one of the largest verdicts in the history of Texas and a full measure of justice for the family,” said Rodriguez. “The verdict will make the roads safer throughout South Texas and will enhance the quality of life for all families.”
The jury found no negligence on the part of defendant Ruben Osorio Hernandez, a Heckmann employee who was operating the truck at the time of the incident.
Texas jury awards $281M verdict for wrongful death of Eagle Ford Shale worker