
Federal Flange & Fittings Co. employee seeks damages for alleged on-the-job injuries


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Federal Flange & Fittings Co. employee seeks damages for alleged on-the-job injuries

Webp general court 08


HOUSTON – A man alleges he was recommended for surgery for injuries he sustained while working when a lift malfunctioned.

Luis Encinia Torres filed a complaint on Sept. 6 in the Harris County District Court against Federal Flange & Fittings Co. alleging negligence.

According to the complaint, the plaintiff alleges that on April 13, he suffered on-the-job injuries when the magnetic life he was using at a work station malfunctioned and caused the load to shift onto him and injure his shoulder. He alleges his doctors have recommended he undergo surgery.

The plaintiff holds Federal Flange & Fittings Co. responsible because the defendant allegedly failed to provide proper safety protocols and adequate training and failed to provide proper supervision.

The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks monetary relief of more than $200,000 but not more than $1 million. He is represented by M. Paul Skrabanek and Michael E. Pierce of Pierce Skrabanek PLLC in Houston.

Harris County District Court case number 2017-58178


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