
Suit: Man slips on Port of Galveston premises, suffers injuries


Friday, March 28, 2025

Suit: Man slips on Port of Galveston premises, suffers injuries


GALVESTON — A man who slipped while on the Port of Galveston's premises and suffered injuries is claiming premises liability. 

Billie Murphy filed a complaint Oct. 11 in Galveston County District Court against the Port of Galveston alleging premises liability. 

Murphy, according to his complaint, was at the Port of Galveston on March 10, 2021. He alleges that while on the premises, he slipped and fell on a "slippery substance" that was on the floor and suffered injuries. Murphy claims that at least one of the Port's employees knew of the dangerous condition and failed to make the area safe or warn of the hazard. 

He also claims the condition of the Port's premises posed an unreasonable risk of harm and that they failed to maintain the area. He alleges that in addition to pain and suffering, he also suffered mental anguish and incurred medical treatment expenses. 

Murphy seeks monetary relief of $250,000 or less, interest and all other just relief. He is represented by David Mestemaker, Norman Straub, Jonathan Zumwalt and Matthew Esch of Mestemaker, Straub & Zumwalt in Houston. 

Galveston County District Court case number 22-CV-1985


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