
Landlord, tenant face suit after mail carrier allegedly attacked by dogs


Monday, March 10, 2025

Landlord, tenant face suit after mail carrier allegedly attacked by dogs


GALVESTON — A home owner and his tenants are facing a negligence claim after a mail carrier was allegedly attacked by dogs on the property. 

Ida Adams filed a complaint Oct. 18 in the Galveston County District Court against Jon Howe and Houston Simon Hernandez alleging negligence and other claims. 

According to her complaint, Adams was delivering mail to a residence on Jonqil Drive on Feb. 28, 2022, in Texas City that was owned by Howe and where Simon and Hernandez were tenants. She claims as she entered the property, she was approached by three dogs who surrounded her and barked continuously. Adams further claims one of the dogs attacked her from behind and mauled her, then bit her on her calf. 

She alleges the dogs attacked her without provocation and alleges the defendants were negligent for failing to maintain a safe premises and failing to protect her from the dangerous animals. She also alleges the defendants failed to warn of the dangerous dogs' presence on the property and failed to train the dogs to prevent vicious behavior. Adams alleges as a result of he dog attack, she suffered pain, impairment, scarring and disfigurement, lost earnings and incurred medical expenses. 

Adams seeks monetary relief between $250,000 and $1 million, interest trial by jury and all other just relief. She is represented by Farrah Martinez of Farrah Martinez PLLC in Houston.  

Galveston County District Court case number CV-0090776


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