
Couple alleges home builder's negligence resulted in mold damage


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Couple alleges home builder's negligence resulted in mold damage


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GALVESTON –  A couple allege a new home builder concealed defects with the home including severe mold damage.  

Brandon Olive and Ashley Olive filed a complaint Jan. 24 in Galveston County District Court against Ashton Houston Residential LLC doing business as Ashton Woods Homes alleging negligence and other claims.

According to the Olives' suit, they purchased a new home located in League City from Ashton in October of 2016, for a purchase price of $531,308. They allege that after moving into the home, they discovered issues with water intrusion, mold, water around HVAC returns, leaking windows, lack of ventilation and high humidity. 

The Olives claim they requested Ashton to make the needed repairs on their home and that some repairs were done while others "were ignored completely." They also claim that mold testing on the home in June of 2022, showed "dangerously high levels" of mold and a mold spore count as high as 1,370,000. The Olives allege Ashton had actual knowledge of the problems with the home and frauduently concealed them.  

They claim they suffered damage to their personal property and incurred repair, relocation and remediation costs. 

Olive seeks monetary relief between $250,000 and $1 million, interest, trial by jury and all other just relief. He is represented by T. Ernest Freeman and Stuart Allen of The Freeman Law Firm PC in Houston. 

Galveston County District Court case number 23-CV-0122


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