
Man sues dog owners after attack in his own back yard


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Man sues dog owners after attack in his own back yard


GALVESTON — A San Leon man is suing a couple alleging one of their dogs attacked him while in his own backyard. 

William Best filed a complaint March 29 in Galveston County District Court against Kenneth Williams and Angelique Williams alleging negligence and other claims. 

Best, according to his complaint, was in the backyard of a home in San Leon on Oct. 4, 2021. He claims that suddenly two dogs owned by the defendants appeared in the back yard with one of the dogs attacking him. Best alleges the defendants' negligence for failing to confine or leash the animals and failing to properly train the animals to prevent vicious behavior. 

He also alleges the defendants' dog which attacked him had dangerous propensities. Best claims as a result of the attack, he suffered pain, impairment, mental anguish, disfigurement, lost wages and incurred medical care expenses. 

Best seeks monetary relief, interest and all other just relief. He is represented by Jared Ynigez and Cecelia Lopez of The Law Office of Jared Ynigez PLLC in Houston. 

Galveston County District Court case number 23-CV-0500


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