

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Austin Locke Lord Lawyer Julianne Grellner Named Mentor of the Year by The University of Texas at Austin School of Law Mentoring Program

Locke Lord Austin Associate and The University of Texas at Austin School of Law alum Julianne Grellner has been named Mentor of the Year by The University of Texas at Austin School of Law Mentoring Program for her unwavering leadership and guidance to 1L law students. The Texas Law Mentoring Program pairs experienced alumni with 1L law students to provide professional wisdom, advice and guidance. Based on the nomination from her mentee and selected by a committee of law school faculty and staff, Grellner was recognized at a reception on August 23.

Grellner, who found her own mentor support at Texas Law to be integral to navigating law school and her career after graduation, said that she strives to teach her mentees that life is about more than work. “You should always continue to do the things that you love to do outside of the legal field, both when you’re in law school and in your career as an attorney,” she adds. “Your interests outside of law school generally make you who you are and shape your perspectives. That may not happen if you never take a break from reading and analyzing case law, for example.”

Original source can be found here.


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