

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Plaintiff sues Apartment Management Company for Negligence

State Court
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A tenant's nightmare has turned into a legal battle as Jamell Tyson files a lawsuit against his apartment management company for negligence. On August 9, 2024, Jamell Tyson lodged a complaint in the District Court of Harris County, Texas, accusing FEMCO, Inc., The Finger Companies, Inc., and Greenridge Place, Ltd. of failing to maintain safe living conditions.

According to the court documents, Tyson was residing at Greenridge Place Apartments in Houston when he suffered a severe fall on September 27, 2022. He claims that the bottom stair collapsed unexpectedly while he was descending from his apartment. Tyson had previously reported the faulty stair to the apartment management on September 23, 2022, and was assured that it had been repaired. However, this assurance proved false when the step gave way just days later.

Tyson alleges that the defendants were negligent in their duty to maintain safe premises and adequately warn tenants of potential hazards. "Defendants' acts and omissions were the proximate cause of Plaintiff's injuries," states the complaint. As a result of this negligence, Tyson sustained serious and permanent injuries requiring extensive medical treatment.

The plaintiff argues that the defendants breached several duties owed to him as a tenant. These include failing to adequately warn about known defects, not taking prompt action to repair said defects, and neglecting to use ordinary care in maintaining safe conditions. The complaint highlights that these breaches involved an extreme degree of risk given the probability and magnitude of potential harm.

In addition to negligence claims, Tyson accuses the defendants of gross negligence. He asserts that their actions displayed "conscious indifference" towards his safety and well-being. The complaint emphasizes that the defendants' disregard for known risks directly led to his severe personal injuries.

Tyson is seeking various forms of relief from the court. He requests compensation for reasonable and necessary medical expenses incurred both in the past and anticipated in the future. Additionally, he seeks damages for physical pain and mental anguish experienced due to the incident. Other claims include disfigurement damages, physical impairment damages, exemplary damages for gross negligence, costs of court proceedings, and pre-judgment as well as post-judgment interest at maximum allowable rates.

Representing Jamell Tyson is attorney Brett M. Hill from Gibson Hill PC law firm based in Houston. The case has been filed under Case ID 2024-51806 with Judge Marilyn Burgess presiding over it in Harris County's 234th Judicial District Court.


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