

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Employee Sues Local Business Over Negligence Leading to Severe Injuries

State Court
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A Houston woman is suing a local company over injuries she sustained on their premises. Sonja Kennedy filed a complaint against Tyvan, LLC in the District Court of Harris County, Texas, on August 23, 2024.

According to the lawsuit, Kennedy alleges that she suffered severe injuries due to Tyvan's negligence while she was at their business location at 6030 S. Rice, Suite C, Houston, Texas. On March 20, 2023, Kennedy was performing her duties as an employee when she tripped over a peeled-up corner of the carpet in the billing room. The plaintiff claims that this dangerous condition had been previously known to Tyvan’s employees and agents but was not addressed or corrected.

Kennedy's complaint states that Tyvan failed to maintain a safe environment for its invitees and employees. "Defendant's employees or agents had previously tripped on the corner of the carpet that Plaintiff tripped on," reads the petition. Despite this knowledge, Tyvan allegedly did nothing to rectify the situation or warn others about it. The plaintiff argues that Tyvan’s negligence includes failure in hiring competent staff, inadequate training and supervision of employees, and neglecting necessary safety protocols and maintenance measures.

The lawsuit also asserts that Tyvan is not covered under Texas Workers Compensation and is therefore considered a non-subscriber. This status allows Kennedy to invoke all protections available under law for her claims. She maintains that from the moment she entered the premises until her fall, she was an invitee who should have been reasonably protected from such hazards by Tyvan.

Kennedy seeks various forms of relief from the court including compensation for past and future medical expenses, physical pain and suffering, mental anguish, physical impairment, loss of earnings and earning capacity, disfigurement, court costs, and pre-judgment and post-judgment interest. She emphasizes that her injuries were directly caused by Tyvan’s negligence in maintaining safe premises.

The case has been assigned Case ID 2024-56309 with Judge Chandra Lawson presiding over it in the 125th Judicial District Court of Harris County. Kennedy is represented by Joshua A. Brenner from Attorney Brian White & Associates P.C.


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