

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Homeowners Sue Utility Companies Over Negligence Leading to Property Damage

State Court
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A lawsuit filed in Harris County, Texas, on August 30, 2024, accuses two utility companies of negligence and breach of contract resulting in significant damages to the plaintiffs' properties. The complaint was lodged by Alexander McAuley, Ashley McAuley, Rashad Raynor, and Jessica Raynor against DigCo Utility, LP., and CenterPoint Energy, Inc.

The plaintiffs allege that on August 31, 2022, employees of DigCo performed unauthorized utility construction work at the McAuley residence located at 5810 Vestavia Dr., Houston. This work involved heavy machinery and excavation related to a natural gas line owned by CenterPoint Energy. During this process, the workers ran a natural gas line through the McAuleys' sewer line without their consent or knowledge. This action caused a blockage that led to a severe sewer backup and overflow inside their home on September 15, 2022. The overflow resulted in substantial damage to the first floor of their residence. The plaintiffs argue that DigCo's employees acted with "objective or subjective conscious indifference" to their rights and safety.

Similarly, the Raynor plaintiffs claim that around the same time period in late August 2022, DigCo or CenterPoint employees performed utility construction work at their residence at 13902 Oneida Ct., Cypress. During this process, they disconnected the Raynors' natural gas line without notifying them. The disconnection went unnoticed until much later when CenterPoint failed to promptly reconnect it despite multiple visits for inspection. Consequently, during a severe cold spell from December 22-25, 2022, the Raynors were left without natural gas heating which led to substantial damages and economic loss.

The plaintiffs assert that both DigCo and CenterPoint breached their legal duties resulting in these damages. They also accuse CenterPoint of breaching its service contracts with both families by failing to provide continuous natural gas service as obligated. Furthermore, they highlight that CenterPoint even charged the Raynors a reconnection fee after negligently disconnecting their gas line.

The lawsuit seeks monetary relief exceeding $250,000 but not more than $1 million for each set of plaintiffs. They are demanding compensation for actual and special damages including pain and suffering, mental anguish, attorneys’ fees and costs, pre- and post-judgment interest as well as exemplary damages.

Representing the plaintiffs is attorney John Cruickshank from Houston while the case is presided over by Judge Marilyn Burgess under Case ID: 2024-58545 in Harris County District Court.


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