

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Resort Guest Sues Club Solaris Over Negligence Leading to Severe Injuries

State Court
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A Texas woman is seeking justice after suffering severe injuries at a resort in Cancun, Mexico. Jocelyn Cordova filed a complaint against Club Solaris d/b/a Royal Solaris in the Harris County District Court on September 6, 2024.

According to the lawsuit, Cordova was an invitee at the Royal Solaris resort when she slipped and fell on a slippery pebbled stone pathway while walking from the main floor level toward the beach floor level. The incident resulted in serious injuries to her tailbone, neck, back, right arm, and right wrist. Cordova alleges that the dangerous condition of the pathway was known or should have been known by the resort management but was neither corrected nor warned about. "Defendant's creation of the condition, failure to properly correct it, to warn Plaintiff of it, and/or to reasonably inspect the premises to discover it constitutes negligence," states the petition.

Cordova contends that she did nothing to contribute to her injuries and that all liability lies with Club Solaris for failing to maintain safe premises. The plaintiff is seeking damages for medical expenses incurred due to her injuries as well as anticipated future medical costs. She also seeks compensation for physical pain and suffering, mental anguish, physical impairment, loss of enjoyment of life both past and future, and any lost wages or earning capacity.

The complaint outlines that Cordova is asking for monetary relief exceeding $250,000 but not more than $1 million. Additionally, she requests recovery of court costs and pre-judgment and post-judgment interest at maximum rates allowed by law.

Representing Jocelyn Cordova are attorneys Ralph P. Manginello and Lupe Pena from The Manginello Law Firm PLLC. The case has been assigned Case ID 2024-59954.


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