
Stories by George Christian on Southeast Texas Record


Friday, March 28, 2025

George Christian News

Dallas Court of Appeals Confirms Arbitration Award in Dispute Between Plaintiff’s Firm and Medical Bill Factoring Company

By George Christian |
In a case exposing the unsavory practices of some plaintiff’s firms and medical bill factoring companies, the Dallas Court of Appeals has affirmed a Dallas County district court’s confirmation of an arbitration award of nearly $550,000 to a factoring company.

Texans Have Much To Be Proud Of In Their Supreme Court

By George Christian |
We probably don’t say it frequently enough, but Texans have a really good thing in the Texas Supreme Court.

Bill Filing Commences for 88th Legislative Session

By George Christian |
As of the time of posting, more than 1000 bills and resolutions have been filed in the opening days of the pre-filing period.

Should New Texas Judges Be Required to Obtain Board Certification?

By George Christian |
As part of the larger debate over the manner in which Texas selects its judiciary, one aspect of the issue has attracted a higher degree of consensus than the process of selection itself: judicial qualifications.

Pandemic Liability Protection Act: Is SB 6 Working?

By George Christian |
Nearly a year has passed since the Legislature enacted SB 6, which extends liability protections to health care providers and businesses from lawsuits related to COVID-19. Has the bill been successful in its policy objective to prevent a wave of litigation in Texas courts, primarily health care liability, premises liability, and employer-employee claims?

Time to Revisit the Standards for Awarding Mental Anguish Damages?

By George Christian |
The return of nuclear verdicts to Texas courts (and attorney television advertising) and the recently launched efforts of the medical malpractice plaintiff’s bar to convince the federal courts to strike down Texas’ cap on noneconomic damages in medical liability cases (which is likely to play out over several years) could potentially raise an issue for state lawmakers: is it time to consider codifying at least some objective standards and levels of proof for mental anguish damages?

TCJL Files Amicus Brief in Second CGL Coverage Case Arising from Baytown Refinery Accident

By George Christian |
As we reported nearly three months ago, the First Court of Appeals [Houston] handed down a decision in a coverage dispute between an additional insured and CGL carriers that flatly contravenes recent SCOTX precedent.

Settlement Averts SCOTX Consideration of Trial Court Setting Remote Jury Trial Over Objection of the Parties

By George Christian |
On Monday, November 1 a remote jury trial was scheduled to commence in a Travis County district court.

TCJL: Texas Supreme Court should hear Exxon's petition over climate change litigation

By George Christian |
A group of California cities and counties are waging a legal battle in California state court against ExxonMobil and 17 other Texas-based energy companies. The municipalities allege that the companies are engaging in activities that have caused or are causing an imminent rise in sea levels, and seek billions of dollars in damages from the companies, allegedly to address this risk.

TCJL Files Brief in DTPA Case

By George Christian |
TCJL today filed an amicus brief in a matter pending before the Texas Supreme Court regarding a key provision of the 1995 reforms to the Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA).