
News published on Southeast Texas Record in July 2007


Saturday, March 8, 2025

News from July 2007

Family alleges hospital abused elderly veteran

By David Yates |
Promise Hospital

58th Court District, Judge Bob Wortham, Aug. 1- 30

By Carrie Gonzalez |

Candle burns child, parents sue in Eastern District of Texas

By Michelle Massey, East Texas Bureau |
When Kathryn Reddell saw her 11-year-old boy in flames, she heroically tried to extinguish the flames with her own body.

Arkansas utility customers granted stay, trial continues for Texas utility customers

By Michelle Massey, East Texas Bureau |
Texarkana, Ark. - On July 25, Miller County Judge Jim Hudson granted a motion for stay applying only for Arkansas utility plaintiffs within a class action suit against Centerpoint Energy. Judge Hudson denied stay for Texas utility plaintiffs. Although the stay stops proceedings for the Arkansas plaintiffs, Judge Hudson may retain future jurisdiction.

Damaged gas pump canopy leads store owner to sue

By David Yates |
The owners of a Hardin County country store are suing Tri-Con Inc., a fuel supplier, for refusing to replace and remove one of its gas-pump canopies from the store's premises after Hurricane Rita tore it down.

Company wants $3 million for unwanted pipe

By David Yates |
Maverick International, a Beaumont-based company, agreed to design and manufacture a $3 million pipe for Intec Engineering and Suez Energy North America. Maverick claims it finished the pipe two weeks ago, but now nobody wants it.

Man receives eletrical shock from oven, sues hotel

By David Yates |
Shocked by the condition of an oven at the Deluxe Inns & Suites located on College Street, Johnny Shaw and his wife have filed a lawsuit against the hotel and its owners.

Cano files suit against dredging company

By David Yates |
John Stevenson Advento Cano claims he was injured while at sea. Invoking the Jones Act, Cano says his injuries were negligently caused by the dredging company he works for and has filed suit.

Jordan, Universal Coin settle legal dispute

By Steve Korris |
Jerry Jordan, reporter for The Examiner newspaper, and Universal Coin and Bullion have settled a court battle over charges that Jordan improperly obtained a list of the company's customers.

Loot dispute

By The SE Texas Record |
Houston lawyer John O'Quinn has to return $35.7 million in misbegotten legal fees to a group of past clients. They're plaintiffs in his 1990s crusade that bankrupted silicone breast implant-maker Dow Corning.

August Movie Night At The Mcfaddin-Ward House

By The SE Texas Record |
August Movie Night At The Mcfaddin-Ward House,

Coon settles 11 of 15 asbestos cases on trial docket

By Steve Korris |
Attorney Brent Coon has settled 11 Jefferson County asbestos suits that he had declared ready for trial.

Local asbestos cases heading to Houston MDL

By Steve Korris |
Harris County District Judge Mark Davidson presides over the asbestos multi-district litigations. Two new asbestos suits have bounced from Beaumont to Houston, to take their places on a pile of about 9,000 other suits in a statewide asbestos court.

This Just In

By Marilyn Tennissen |
July 19

Deputy sues after staircase collapses

By David Yates |
Jason Gibson Crushed by a three-story staircase while conducting a criminal investigation in June, Harris County Deputy Sheriff Larry Pohlmeyer blamed his injuries on the apartment owner and a wrecker service and filed suit.

Recent foreclosures filed in Jefferson County, July 23-25

By Marilyn Tennissen |
-CitiMortgage filed an application for home equity foreclosure on July 25 against Peaches Brydson, 4490 Cadillac, Beaumont, Texas 77705.

Time to register for Business Expo 2007

By Marilyn Tennissen |
The 2007 Southeast Texas Business Expo, sponsored by the Greater Beaumont and Greater Port Arthur Chambers of Commerce, is set for 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18 at the Beaumont Civic Center.

City reaches settlement with injured motorcycle driver

By David Yates |
Beaumont City Council agreed to cut Glenn McNeel a $75,000 check on Tuesday, July 24. Back in 2005, McNeel filed a lawsuit against the city, claiming he lost control of his motorcycle and wrecked when the bike's tire "struck elevated pavement."

Jury finds in favor of cable company defendant in Marshall patent trial

By Marilyn Tennissen |
Defense attorney John Desmarais A Marshall jury found a cable company did not infringe on patents it used to provide high-speed data service.

New business licenses/assumed names issued by the Jefferson County Clerk, July 19-26, 2007

By Marilyn Tennissen |
Orig. Filing Date: 07/19/2007 Certificate #: 71042