
Latest hurricane-related insurance suits filed in Jefferson County


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Latest hurricane-related insurance suits filed in Jefferson County

A total of 19 suits regarding hurricane damage claims were filed against insurance companies in Jefferson County District Court during the week of April 20-24, 2009.

The following claims were filed relating to Hurricane Ike:

  • Robert Good Jr. of 3920 Octavia in Beaumont alleges Captiol County Mutual Fire Insurance denied his claim for damages caused to his home after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. Capitol denied the claim after assigning ICA Adjusters and adjuster Matthew Tuttle to investigate. Good is represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: A183-841.

  • Ollie Harmon of 3019 15th St. in Port Arthur alleges National Lloyds Insurance Company denied his claim for roof, water, wind and structural damages caused after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. National Lloyds denied the claim after assigning Ideal Adjusting and adjuster Michelle Stewart to investigate. Harmon is represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont. Jefferson County District Court case number: B183-842.

  • Marilyn Young of 970 Grant St. in Beaumont alleges Texas Windstorm Insurance Association denied her claim for roof, water, wind and structural damages caused to her home after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. TWIA denied the claim after its Vice President of Claims Reggie Warren assigned Specialty Claim Services and adjuster Shayne O'Brien to investigate. Young is represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: B183-843.

  • James and Yvonne Smith of 3680 Scranton St. in Beaumont allege Texas Windstorm Insurance Association denied their claim for roof, water, wind and structural damages caused to their home after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. TWIA denied the claim after its Vice President of Claims Reggie Warrant assigned Brush Country Claims and adjuster Ray Tullis to investigate. The Smiths are represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: D183-849.

  • Sharon Flanagan of 2815 34th St. in Port Arthur alleges Texas Windstorm Insurance Association denied her claim for roof, water, wind and structural damages caused after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. TWIA denied the claim after its Vice President of Claim Reggie Warren assigned Brush Country Claims and adjusters Paul Braly and Brian Briggs to investigate. Flanagan is represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: B183-850.

  • Sidney Michael Billiot of 12508 Shellhammer Road in Hamshire alleges Texas Windstorm Insurance Association denied his claim for roof, water, wind and structural damages caused to his home after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. TWIA denied the claims after its Vice President of Claims Reggie Warren assigned Brush Country Claims and Milton King to investigate. Billiot is represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: E183-851.

  • Julius Mathias of 3031 East 11th in Port Arthur alleges Fire Insurance Exchange denied his claim for roof, water, wind, foundation, contents and structural damages caused to his property after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. Mathias is represented by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston and by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont. Jefferson County District Court case number: B183-854.

  • Terry D. and Alline Bennett of 5210 Bigner Road in Beaumont allege State Farm Lloyds denied their claim for roof, wind, water, foundation and structural damages caused to their property after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. The Bennetts will be represented by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: A183-855.

  • Gertrude Bernard of 717 Thomas Blvd. in Port Arthur alleges State Farm Lloyds denied his claim for roof, water, wind, foundation and structural damages caused to his property after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. Bernard is represented by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston and by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont. Jefferson County District Court case number: A183-856.

  • Venola Thomas of 6136 13th St. in Port Arthur alleges State Farm Lloyds denied her claim for roof, water, wind and structural damages caused to her home after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. Thomas is represented by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston and by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont. Jefferson County District Court case number: E183-857.

  • Tommie L. Johnson of 8130 Medinah Drive in Beaumont alleges State Farm Lloyds denied his clam for roof, water, structural and wind damages to his home caused after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. Johnson is represented by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston and by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont. Jefferson County District Court case number: E183-858.

  • David Pouncy of Beaumont alleges Shay Insurance Services and its owner, Tammy R. Shay, denied his claim for windstorm damages caused to his home after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. Pouncy says Shay told him he had windstorm, hurricane and hail coverage when the company had actually failed to obtain it. Pouncy is represented by Rocky Lawdermilk of Beaumont. Jefferson County District Court case number: B183-876.

  • Bertha O'Dell of 1135 Roberts in Beaumont alleges Capitol County Mutual Fire Insurance Company denied her claim for damages caused to her home after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. O'Dell is represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: D183-877.

  • Jo Ann Robinson of 1428 Elgie in Beaumont alleges Capitol County Mutual Fire Insurance Company denied her claim for damages to her home caused after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. Capitol denied the claim after assigning ICA Adjusters and adjuster Brian McCoy to investigate. Robinson is represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: B183-878.

  • Shenita Keyes of 738 East 10th St. in Port Arthur alleges Capitol County Mutual Fire Insurance Company denied her claim for damages to her home after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. Capitol denied the claim after assigning ICA Adjusters and adjuster Roberton Enriquez to investigate, according to the complaint. Keyes is represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: D183-879.

  • Emile and Ruthie McCarvy of 3670 Ironton in Beaumont allege Texas Windstorm Insurance Association denied their claim for roof, water, wind and structural damages after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. The McCarvys say TWIA denied the claim after its Vice President of Claims Reggie Warren assigned Allied American Adjusting Company and Wayne Shelton to investigate. The McCarvys are represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: E183-880.

  • Bobbie Boykins of 3110 East Lucas Drive in Beaumont alleges Texas Windstorm Insurance Association denied his claims for roof, water, wind and structural damages to his home caused after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. TWIA denied the claim after its Vice President of Claim Reggie Warren assigned IMS Catastrophe Services and adjusters Phillip Valentine and Scott Maynard to investigate, according to the complaint. Boykins is represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: E183-881.

  • Patsy Jones of 215 Charlotte Drive in Beaumont alleges National Lloyds Insurance Company denied her claim for roof, water, wind and structural damages to her home caused after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. National Lloyds denied the claim after it assigned adjusters Joshua Crisp and Michael Vieregg to investigate. Jones is represented by Micahel R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: A183-882.

  • Marion Peter of 5390 Combs Dr. in Beaumont alleges Capitol County Mutual Fire Insurance Company denied her claim for damages caused to her home after Hurricane Ike struck on Sept. 13. Capitol denied the claim after it assigned ICA Adjusters and adjusters Brian Wombacher and Brian McCoy to investigate. Peter is represented by Michael R. Ramsey and Gregory F. Cox of The Mostyn Law Firm in Beaumont and by J. Steve Mostyn of The Mostyn Law Firm in Houston. Jefferson County District Court case number: A183-883.


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