
Letter: Tort reforms make Texas strong


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Letter: Tort reforms make Texas strong

Dear Editor,

The Texas economy is making national news again.

This time Richard Fisher, the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, joined the chorus of voices who credit civil justice reform as a main reason Texas is so strong.

In an interview with CNBC, Fisher noted that since the nation's recovery began, 38 percent of all jobs created in America have been created in Texas...and the "most important" contributor to that job growth is civil justice reform.

Reforms restored common sense and fairness to our court system, making Texas a welcoming environment for job creators and capital investors. As Fisher noted, "the way the law works and how it's applied has a tremendous impact on capital formation and employment."

Simply put, Texas leads national economic rankings for a reason.

To undermine our state's legal reforms, which some special interest groups relentlessly attempt to do, would set us back dramatically, undermining the very pillars that fortify our economy.

Reform works for Texas, and it's worth protecting.


Court Koenning
Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse-Houston


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