
How could anyone distrust an asbestos attorney?


Friday, March 14, 2025

How could anyone distrust an asbestos attorney?

You're having a romantic dinner in an expensive restaurant, telling a lovely woman how much you love her when, all of a sudden, another lovely woman walks up and interrupts.

"You love her? You said you loved me."

Uh oh. This wasn't supposed to happen. You'd discreetly chosen a restaurant where you weren't likely to run into the other woman.

You struggle for some innocent explanation of a situation that looks anything but innocent. Maybe you could feign indignation. Something like "Eavesdropper, eh? Can't a guy have a private conversation?" No, that won't work.

"Don't you trust me?" No, that won't work either.

Instead, you say, "I do love you," but it only makes matters worse.

That's because the woman sitting with you has no more scruples about eavesdropping than the standing woman does.

"So, you love her, then, do you?" she inquires.

"No, I don't love her. I love you."

Then the standing woman starts in again.

Can you possibly understand how uncomfortable it is to be exposed as a cad unless you have been – or, unless you're an asbestos attorney accused of trying to saddle two or more companies with sole responsibility for an alleged injury to your client.

The folks at Williams Kherkher Hart Boundas know how it feels. Attorneys at this Houston law firm have been accused of fraud for presenting conflicting versions of how their client contracted mesothelioma.

"Our client got sick because of Company A," they claimed in one forum. In another: "Our client got sick because of Company B."

They never expected Company A to find out about Company B, but, sure enough, that's what the complaint states. Now what do they do? They can't have it both ways. Was it Company A or Company B? Maybe a mysterious third company was involved? Maybe somebody is making the whole thing up?

We wouldn't want to be in their shoes when this case gets tried. But being a spectator will be instructive and lots of fun.


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