

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Student loan company sues locals over $30,000 debt

The National Collegiate Student Loan Trust has filed suit against two Jefferson County residents it claims failed to repay more than $20,000 worth of student loans.

In its complaint, the trust alleges it lent defendant Regan Bernard $27,778.02 in student loans on Sept. 11, 2006. Defendant Rachel Bernard acted as guarantor of the loan, promising to repay it if Regan Bernard failed to do so, according to the complaint filed June 11 in Jefferson County District Court.

However, the Bernards have since defaulted on their loan payments, the suit states.

"As of May 17, 2012, $31,514.84 remained due and owing on the loans," the complaint says.

The National Collegiate Loan Trust alleges breach of contract against the defendants.

In addition to the money it says it is due, the trust is seeking pre-judgment interest, attorney's fees, costs, post-judgment interest at the maximum rate allowed by law and other relief the court deems just.

Michael J. Scott of Carrollton will be representing it.

The case has been assigned to Judge Gary Sanderson, 60th District Court.

Case No. B192-552


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