The wife and minor son of Kevin Hanks have filed suit against the man’s longtime employer, Firestone Polymers, alleging the company exposed him to hazardous chemicals and caused his cancer.
Tammy and Owen Hanks filed the suit on Nov. 28 in Jefferson County District Court.
According to the lawsuit, over the course of many years Firestone employed Kevin Hanks. During his work, he was exposed to toxic and carcinogenic chemicals.
As a result, Kevin Hanks “developed the incurable and deadly cancer of the blood and bone marrow known as multiple myeloma.”
The plaintiffs are suing for their mental anguish brought on by their loved one’s disease.
Provost Umphrey attorney Darren Brown of Beaumont represents them.
Judge Donald Floyd, 172nd District Court, is assigned to the case.
Case No. E193-640
Toxic tort brought against Firestone Polymers