
BBB encourages Southeast Texas students to identify Laws of Life


Sunday, February 23, 2025

BBB encourages Southeast Texas students to identify Laws of Life

The Better Business Bureau in Southeast Texas is sponsoring a regional essay contest for middle school students with a focus on ethical principles.

The Laws of Life Essay Contest encourages a dialogue between students and teachers, parents and community members to advance positive, universal ethical principles (laws of life) such as perseverance, forgiveness, honesty, respect and love, according to a press release. 

The contest leads students to better understand themselves and develop empathy for others, while at the same time strengthening writing skills.

Cash prizes will be given to the winners, as well as the teacher/mentor who worked with the winning students to encourage their participation.

Cash prizes will also be awarded to the school with the highest percentage of participating students and the campus with the highest number of essays submitted.

All essays must be postmarked or hand-delivered to the Better Business Bureau office by Friday, Feb 7.

For more information about program participation or volunteer opportunities, please call Michelle Brewer, Education Foundation Coordinator for the Better Business Bureau in Southeast Texas at 409.835.5951 x 102 ormichellebrewer@bbbsetexas.org.

The Better Business Bureau would like to thank DuPont Goodrich Federal Credit Union, Previty - Clinic for Surgical Care and American Valve & Hydrant for their sponsorship.

To get involved as a corporate sponsor, please contact Sharon Thompson at 409.835.5951 x111 or sharonthompson@bbbsetexas.org.


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