
Former Clyde Cosper Texas State Veterans Home worker claims pregnancy discrimination


Monday, March 31, 2025

Former Clyde Cosper Texas State Veterans Home worker claims pregnancy discrimination


SHERMAN — A former patient caregiver at Clyde Cosper Texas State Veterans Home is claiming pregnancy discrimination. 

Sapphire Owens filed a complaint Jan. 3 in the Sherman Division of the Eastern District of Texas against Clyde Cosper Texas State Veterans Home alleging violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and negligence. 

Owens began working for the defendant at its Bonham facility as a patient caregiver. She alleges on Feb. 18, 2019, a patient physically assaulted her by punching her in the stomach and that she was denied being able to go to the emergency room for evaluation. She also claims she was denied requested accommodations. Owens was placed on suspension following the incident and alleges she was fired for no reason. 

Owens seeks monetary relief, trial by jury, interest and all other just relief. She is represented by Nicholas O'Kelly of Kilgore & Kilgore PLLC in Dallas. 

Sherman Division of the Eastern District of Texas case number 4:20-CV-5

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