
Former Exeltis pharmaceuticals sales manager claims female workers faced sexual harassment


Thursday, March 27, 2025

Former Exeltis pharmaceuticals sales manager claims female workers faced sexual harassment


MARSHALL — A former Exeltis pharmaceutical company sales manager alleges she was fired because of her sex and for reporting sexual harassment of female employees. 

Janice Ouhrabka filed a complaint Jan. 31 in the Marshall Division of the Eastern District of Texas against Exeltis USA Inc., and Marc Beardslee alleging violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Texas Labor Code. 

Ouhrabka, 65, worked for Exeltis from June 2016 through July 2019 as a regional sales manager. She alleges that she and other female regional sales managers and representatives faced sexual harassment and stereotyping from Beardslee, including making comments such as he wanted "to get naked" with female employees and other offensive conduct. Ouhrabka also claims that her sex and complaints of the sexual harassment were  "motivating factors" in her termination on July 24, 2019.

Ouhrabka seeks monetary relief, trial by jury, interest and all other just relief. She is represented by Robert Goodman, Jr., of Kilgore & Kilgore PLLC in Dallas. 

Marshall Division of the Eastern District of Texas case number 2:20-CV-00023-JRG-RSP

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