

Monday, July 1, 2024

Delivery Worker Sues Employer Over Negligence Leading to Severe Injuries

State Court
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A delivery worker has filed a lawsuit against his employer, alleging severe injuries due to negligence. Carlos Alvarez filed the complaint in Harris County District Court on June 12, 2024, accusing Unique Courier Service Corporation of failing to secure a load properly.

The case stems from an incident on April 15, 2024, when Alvarez was delivering an air conditioner for Unique Courier Service Corporation. According to the complaint, as Alvarez opened the back doors of the container at Friedrich Air Conditioning's delivery spot, the air conditioner fell on him because it was not properly secured. This resulted in severe injuries to his head, neck, shoulder, back, and other parts of his body. Alvarez asserts that these injuries were due to the defendant's negligent acts or omissions.

Alvarez's complaint outlines several specific failures by Unique Courier Service Corporation. He claims that the company did not comply with applicable safety regulations and standards and failed to enforce its own safety rules. Additionally, he alleges that the company did not adequately supervise or train its employees and failed to provide proper equipment and safety measures. The plaintiff also accuses the company of gross negligence for consciously disregarding his safety.

As a result of these alleged failures, Alvarez has experienced physical impairment, mental anguish, pain and suffering both in the past and likely into the future. He has incurred medical expenses and anticipates further costs due to ongoing treatment needs. Moreover, he has lost wages and expects a loss in future earning capacity.

Alvarez is seeking monetary relief exceeding $1 million for damages including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, mental anguish, physical impairment, and punitive damages due to gross negligence. He demands a trial by jury on all issues presented in this case.

The case is being handled by attorneys from Arnold & Itkin LLP with Trenton Shelton listed as one of the primary contacts for Alvarez. The presiding judge over this matter is yet to be named under Case ID 2024-37082 in Harris County District Court.


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