

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Employee Sues Towing Company for Negligence Leading to Severe Injury

State Court
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A workplace injury has led to a significant legal battle in Harris County, Texas. On June 13, 2024, James Lee Martin filed a complaint against Tye Smith and 290 Wrecker Service, Inc., doing business as Highway 290 Wrecker, alleging negligence that resulted in severe injuries.

The lawsuit was filed by James Lee Martin in the District Court of Harris County, Texas. The case revolves around an incident on July 27, 2022, where Martin suffered three breaks to his right tibia bone while working for the defendants. According to the complaint, Martin was tasked with loading and towing a fire truck onto a Landoll Trailer without any supervision or assistance from his employer. This lack of support allegedly led to Martin stepping awkwardly off the truck and sustaining serious injuries.

Martin's complaint outlines several accusations against Tye Smith and 290 Wrecker Service. He claims that the defendants failed to provide proper training for operating equipment safely, did not warn him about specific hazards associated with his tasks, and neglected to implement necessary safety policies. "Plaintiff struggled with the task, having no supervision and no assistance," states the petition. Furthermore, it is noted that on the date of the incident, the defendants were nonsubscribers to workers' compensation insurance under Texas law.

The plaintiff is seeking monetary relief amounting to $250,000 or less for various damages including past and future medical expenses, physical pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of earning capacity, physical impairment, and disfigurement. The lawsuit emphasizes that these damages are a direct result of the defendants' negligence and failure to maintain a safe working environment.

Representing James Lee Martin are attorneys Jared B. Ynigez (Texas Bar No. 24056999), Brian J Winkler (Texas Bar No. 24134609), and Stephany M Semien (Texas Bar No. 24117297) from The Law Office of Jared B. Ynigez PLLC. The case has been assigned Case ID: 2024-37556 in the District Court of Harris County.


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