

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Harris County Resident Sues Major Grocery Chain Over Negligence Leading to Severe Injuries

State Court
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A Harris County resident has filed a lawsuit against a major grocery chain, alleging severe injuries due to negligence. On June 13, 2024, Francis Gonzalez lodged a complaint in the District Court of Harris County, Texas, accusing Kroger Texas, LP of failing to maintain safe premises.

According to the court documents, Gonzalez was shopping at a Kroger store located at 12555 Briar Forest Drive in Houston on July 3, 2022. While entering the store and reaching for a shopping cart, she slipped on a greasy or oily substance on the floor. This incident resulted in significant injuries for Gonzalez. The event was captured on video and documented in an employee report. Gonzalez claims that as an invitee at the store, Kroger had a duty to ensure the premises were safe and free from hazards like the one that caused her fall.

The lawsuit outlines several accusations against Kroger Texas, LP. It asserts that the company failed to clean up the hazardous substance from the floor and did not place any warning signs indicating the presence of such danger. Furthermore, it alleges that Kroger did not exercise proper vigilance in warning customers about hazardous conditions within its premises and failed to train employees adequately to inspect and maintain safety standards. "Defendant's negligence proximately caused the injuries and damages to Plaintiff," states the petition.

Gonzalez is seeking monetary relief exceeding one million dollars exclusive of interest and costs. She is also requesting compensation for past and future medical expenses, physical pain and suffering, mental anguish, physical impairment, disfigurement, lost wages, diminished earning capacity, exemplary damages as well as pre-judgment and post-judgment interest.

Representing Francis Gonzalez is attorney Robert M. Davant III from Herrman & Herrman PLLC. The case has been assigned Case ID 2024-37636 with Judge Jaisa Feagin presiding over it in Court 152.


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