

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Former Employee Alleges Pregnancy Discrimination Against Fashion Retailer

State Court
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A former employee has taken legal action against her previous employer, alleging discriminatory practices and wrongful termination. Sydney Allums filed a complaint on August 29, 2024, in the Harris County District Court against Jess Lea LLC.

The lawsuit centers around allegations of pregnancy discrimination and retaliation. Allums began working for Jess Lea LLC in July 2020 and received several promotions over nearly four years. However, after announcing her pregnancy in July 2023, she claims to have faced a series of adverse actions from her employer. According to the complaint, these included negative performance evaluations, denial of reasonable accommodations related to her pregnancy, and ultimately wrongful termination. "Mrs. Allums’s pregnancy-related requests for reasonable accommodation were repeatedly denied," the complaint states.

Allums recounts an incident where she was called into a meeting by Jessica and Michiel Bridges upon returning from a photoshoot in Paris. During this meeting, they expressed dissatisfaction with her performance and behavior during the trip. She revealed her pregnancy during this conversation but was met with continued hostility and disparaging remarks about her mental health struggles.

Further incidents detailed in the filing include an email reprimand for absenteeism due to medical appointments related to her pregnancy and a contentious interaction with a colleague over work responsibilities while preparing for maternity leave. Despite these challenges, Allums continued to perform her duties until she was abruptly terminated on February 8, 2024, at 33 weeks pregnant.

The plaintiff asserts that the reasons given for her termination were pretextual and that the true motive was discrimination based on her pregnancy and retaliation for asserting her rights under employment laws. The complaint also highlights ongoing harassment post-termination, including surveillance of Allums' social media activities by individuals associated with Jess Lea LLC.

Allums is seeking compensatory and punitive damages for lost wages and benefits, emotional distress, attorney's fees, and other costs associated with the lawsuit. She also demands injunctive relief to prevent further discriminatory practices by Jess Lea LLC.

Representing Sydney Allums are attorneys Alfonso Kensie (Texas Bar No: 24036888) and Eddie Hodges Jr. (Texas Bar No.: 24116523). The case is presided over by Judge Patricia Jones under Case ID: 2024-57873.


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