A devastating fire at an apartment complex has left a resident homeless and without her personal belongings, leading to a lawsuit against multiple companies involved in the property's management and maintenance. Winifred Robertson filed the complaint on December 27, 2024, in Harris County District Court against The Strategic Management Group LLC and several other entities.
According to the lawsuit, Winifred Robertson was residing at Broadmead at The Med apartments when a fire broke out on January 12, 2023. The fire resulted in the complete destruction of her personal property and left her without a place to live. Despite paying rent, Robertson claims she was not provided with alternative accommodations or compensation for her losses. The plaintiff accuses the defendants of negligence, alleging that improper installation of electrical panels and conductors by Brandt Electrical Services Inc., doing business as Marco Electric, led to the hazardous conditions that caused the fire.
The complaint details how Q10 Property Advisors LLC was responsible for overseeing operations at the apartment complex and hired R&E Development Inc., which subcontracted Brandt Electrical Services for electrical work. Allegedly, incorrect electrical panels were installed, requiring wires to be fed from an unsafe direction. This setup increased the risk of fire due to exposed conductors. When discovered, instead of replacing these panels with appropriate ones, a makeshift solution was implemented that left wires dangerously exposed.
Robertson's niece reportedly heard a loud electrical pop before discovering the fire in their apartment's hallway closet. The blaze quickly spread throughout their unit and adjacent areas, forcing evacuation and resulting in significant property damage. Robertson asserts that all defendants knew or should have known about these dangerous conditions but failed to take corrective actions or warn residents.
In her petition, Robertson seeks monetary relief exceeding $250,000 but not more than $1 million for damages including loss of personal property, temporary housing costs, emotional distress, and mental anguish. She also requests both pre-judgment and post-judgment interest along with court costs.
Representing Winifred Robertson is attorney Rafael Quesada from RQ Law Group PLLC. The case is assigned Case ID 2024-89105 in Harris County District Court under Judge Marilyn Burgess.