
News on Southeast Texas Record


Thursday, December 19, 2024

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Kudos to Texas Supreme Court for fixing Dallas appeals court's bad decisions

By Robert Wood |
We’ll watch to see if the recent election will positively impact the Fifth Court and address the serious concerns raised in the Judicial Hellholes report.

Case activity for 2400 Briarwest Apartments vs Jose Galvan on Dec. 10

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by 2400 Briarwest Apartments and Robert L. Hansen against All Other Occupants, Jose Galvan and Pro Se on Dec. 10.

Case activity for Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs Steven Rector on Dec. 10

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Olsen-Zhang, Jessica and Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC against Steven Rector on Dec. 10.

Court activity on Dec. 10: Harris County, Texas vs Maya Romine

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Catherine Ayeni and Harris County, Texas against Maya Romine on Dec. 10: 'Final Default Judgment'.

Court activity on Dec. 10: Redwood Retail Center, Ltd. vs Louisiana Roots, LLC

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Airport Kirkwood, Ltd., Kollenberg JR, C Henry and Redwood Retail Center, Ltd. against Louisiana Roots, LLC on Dec. 10: 'M/O Atty'.

Court activity on Dec. 10: Legend Advance Funding II, LLC vs LC Paving & Construction, LLC

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Anh H. Regent and Legend Advance Funding II, LLC against Colbi Smith, LC Paving & Construction, LLC and Larry Smith on Dec. 10: 'M/O Atty'.

Court activity on Dec. 10: On Point Events, LP vs Arleta Cosby

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by On Point Events, LP and Scheinthal, Alan R. against Arleta Cosby on Dec. 10: 'Mo Atty'.

Case activity for Sunset Garden Apartments vs Alexus Kelley on Dec. 10

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by C. Jeffrey Leung, Pro Se and Sunset Garden Apartments against Alexus Kelley and Pro Se on Dec. 10.

Court activity on Dec. 10: Aries Residence Suites, LLC vs CST Drilling Fluids, Inc.

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Aries Residence Suites, LLC and Kyle Dickson against CST Drilling Fluids, Inc. on Dec. 10: 'M/O Atty'.

Court activity on Dec. 10: 1155 Distributor Partners-Houston, LLC vs Stephen M. Ilgen

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by 1155 Distributor Partners-Houston, LLC and William Jason Walker against Stephen M. Ilgen on Dec. 10: 'M/O Atty'.

Court activity on Dec. 10: Khi-Construction, LLC vs Monte Bishop

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Khi-Construction, LLC and Norman W. Peters Jr. against Monte Bishop on Dec. 10: 'Paying For Service Copies'.

Case activity for Amber M Memon 51461, LLC vs Preddie Schoultz on Dec. 10

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Amber M Memon 51461, LLC and Pro Se against Monica Schoultz, Preddie Schoultz and Pro Se on Dec. 10.

Court activity on Dec. 10: IPFS Corporation vs Jaime Rodriguez

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by IPFS Corporation and Jose Javier Anziani against Jaime Rodriguez on Dec. 10: 'Mo Atty'.

Case activity for Kristen Jackson vs James William on Dec. 10

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by James Williams, Kathryn Williams, Kristen Jackson, Matthew W. Mahoney and Michael A. Mendoza against James William, Kathryn Williams, Kristen Jackson and Michael A. Mendoza on Dec. 10.

Case activity for Rpmi 1616 West Dallas Owner, LLC vs Tyrlyn Galathe on Dec. 10

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Duke Amos and Rpmi 1616 West Dallas Owner, LLC against All Other Occupants, Pro Se and Tyrlyn Galathe on Dec. 10.

Case activity for Engie Resources, LLC vs Alternative Relief, LLC on Dec. 10

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Engie Resources, LLC and J Robin Lindley against 2 Evergreen, LLC and Alternative Relief, LLC on Dec. 10.

Case activity for Fairlake Cove Apartments vs Heather Snachez on Dec. 10

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by C. Jeffrey Leung and Fairlake Cove Apartments against Eulalilo Rodriguez, Heather Snachez and Pro Se on Dec. 10.

Case activity for Jonah Bergstein vs Zurich American Insurance Company on Dec. 10

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Cyndi Yadira Cantu, Jonah Bergstein and Shari Bergstein against Zurich American Insurance Company on Dec. 10.

Court activity on Dec. 10: Mantis Funding, LLC vs Greenlite Express, Inc.

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Mantis Funding, LLC and Scheinthal, Alan R. against Greenlite Express, Inc. and John Howard Martin on Dec. 10: 'Original Answer To Writ Of Garnishment After Judgment'.

Court activity on Dec. 10: Harris County, Texas vs Rodrigo A. Flores

By Southeast Texas Record |
The Harris County Civil Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Catherine Ayeni and Harris County, Texas against Rodrigo A. Flores on Dec. 10: 'Final Judgment'.