
Stories by Rob Luke on Southeast Texas Record


Friday, March 28, 2025

Rob Luke News

TX insurers' lawyers can defend clients, SC rules

By Rob Luke |
Justice Nathan Hecht AUSTIN -- Insurance companies in Texas may use their staff attorneys to defend claims against their insured parties but only when there is no conflict of interest between the two sides, the Texas SC ruled this week.

Illinois, NY among usual tort suspects in PRI study, Texas 'salvageable'

By Rob Luke |
SAN FRANCISCO -- Florida ranks worst in two key litigation-risk factors for business but will likely improve in future thanks to recent tort-reform measures, a nationwide study revealed today.

TX insurers must cover sloppy builders, SC reaffirms

By Rob Luke |
Texas Supreme Court AUSTIN -- The Texas Supreme Court has re-affirmed an earlier ruling that insurers must defend claims of property damage even where caused by the builders' defective workmanship.

No lawsuits over devices if FDA approved, says USSC

By Rob Luke |
Justice Antonin Scalia WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Plaintiffs cannot sue the makers of a medical device that cause harm if the device has been approved by the federal regulator, the U.S. Supreme Court (USSC) ruled last week.

Houston DA quits, cites drug impairment amid AG probe

By Rob Luke |
Charles Rosenthal AUSTIN -- The embattled Houston-area DA at the center of a recent controversy involving Supreme Court Justice David C. Medina has resigned over various other charges.

La. Justices swayed by campaign donations, study finds

By Rob Luke |
Louisiana Supreme Court Justice John L. Weimer BATON ROUGE -- A recent academic study of the Louisiana Supreme Court appears to cast doubt on arguments by judges that their rulings are not influenced by election-campaign contributions.

Dem candidate for Texas CJ says Justices stumping, neglecting cases

By Rob Luke |
Judge Jim Jordan AUSTIN -- The Democratic candidate for Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court has bashed the state's top bench for continuing to pile up more unresolved cases.

TX Justices used campaign funds to commute: watchdog

By Rob Luke |
David Medina AUSTIN -- Two of the Texas Supreme Court's most embattled Justices are facing more hostile fire over their spending habits.

Texas Justice wants fire charges expunged: lawyer

By Rob Luke |
David Medina AUSTIN -- Lawyers for Texas Supreme Court Justice David C. Medina are working to wipe clear his recent indictment on arson-related charges from the public record.

Medina gets break as DA cops earful

By Rob Luke |
David Medina AUSTIN -- Grand jurors have blasted a decision by a Houston-area District Attorney to dismiss their indictment of Texas Supreme Court Justice David C. Medina on arson-related charges.

Louisiana ex-AG joins Big Easy class action lawyers

By Rob Luke |
Charles Foti BATON ROUGE -- Former Louisiana Attorney General Charles Foti has joined a law firm specialising in class action and personal-injury lawsuits.

Investors can't sue third parties if stock tanks: USSC

By Rob Luke |
Justice Anthony Kennedy WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Investors lost yet another U.S. Supreme Court battle over whether third parties charged with fraudulently helping lift a stock price can be held liable.

TX top bench allows insureds to file claims late

By Rob Luke |
Justice Harriet O'Neill AUSTIN -- Insurers can't deny coverage if an insured is tardy in filing so long as the delay doesn't harm the insurer, the Texas Supreme Court ruled in a split decision Jan 11.

Foti rapid-files suits as Louisiana AG term ends

By Rob Luke |
Charles Foti BATON ROUGE -- Louisiana Attorney General Charles Foti appears set on spending a legally-active final few weeks as AG before handing the reins to fellow Democrat Buddy Caldwell.

Another Dem. hopeful joins lawyers, rips Texas SC

By Rob Luke |
Judge Susan Criss AUSTIN -- The expected Democratic battle between two of the Lone Star State's leading female judges to challenge Republican Justice Phil Johnson for re-election to the Texas Supreme Court is officially on.

Texas pols want do-over of divisive SC ruling - UPDATE

By Rob Luke |
Craig Eiland AUSTIN -- A group of state legislators and labor organizations has asked the Texas Supreme Court to reverse a recent contentious decision that expanded employer protection in labor suits.

Drug deaths lure two state AGs to file pharmacy suit

By Rob Luke |
Greg Abbott AUSTIN -- Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and Oregon Attorney General Hardy Myers landed a one-two punch on a Dallas-based drug maker and distributor in a drug-potency lawsuit.

Texas SC rules for insurer in fee-dispute class action

By Rob Luke |
Justice Paul W. Green AUSTIN -- The Texas Supreme Court will likely draw more fire from opponents accusing it of pro-business bias following an opinion last week in a class action suit against a prominent insurer.

Lawyers say Texas SC judicially active for business

By Rob Luke |
Justice Nathan Hecht, right AUSTIN -- Plaintiffs' lawyers in the Lone Star State are complaining that the Texas Supreme Court goes out of its way to issue opinions that too often favor corporate defendants.

Ark. AG's new health-care office will handle lawsuits

By Rob Luke |
Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel LITTLE ROCK -- Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel has created a separate health-based agency within his office that will also deal with all medical-based litigation.