
Stories by Shirley Willcock, Galveston Bureau on Southeast Texas Record


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Shirley Willcock, Galveston Bureau News

BP employee claims heat stroke symptoms ignored, sues refinery and supervisor

By Shirley Willcock, Galveston Bureau |
GALVESTON -- A worker at BP's Texas City refinery claims his supervisor ignored signs that he was suffering from heat exhaustion, which eventually led to a stroke that has left him paralyzed.

Plaintiff alleges termination due to employer's greed

By Shirley Willcock, Galveston Bureau |
Lucie Treddenick GALVESTON -- A Galveston County man claims he was terminated without discussion, in spite of an employment agreement, simply for the purposes of "greed, personal control and power."

Galveston County subdivision attempts restraining order

By Shirley Willcock, Galveston Bureau |
Marina del Sol in Kemah GALVESTON -- Two property owners had plans to renovate a lot in a Kemah subdivision three years ago, but their plans were rejected by the home owners association. But the property owners continued with some of the construction anyway and now the homeowners association is seeking a restraining order against them.

NEW! Galveston County: Recent filings

By Shirley Willcock, Galveston Bureau |
New! This Just In: Recent filings in Galveston County civil courts